Sacred Living

Welcome home to your Body & Soul


Step into the Highest Self, activate the Body Intelligence & create a life of Fearless Freedom.

I am

Melanie Wood

A Master Activator here to guide you and align you to your original divine blueprint of abundance, joy and freedom.

I activate your energy fields to hold the highest frequencies of your sacred soul.

I teach you how to feel at home in your body.

And I initiate you into your personal power.

Our Services

  • Highest Self Activation

    Are you are ready to elevate your life and step in your Highest Self? Unlock your inner compass to clear the ego mind chatter, access your intuitive voice and initiate your personal power in this 75-minute session.

  • Crystalline Codes Series

    Welcome to your full-body Crystalline alignment and activation series. A beautiful three-week journey to clarify and crystallize the mind, body and soul into a higher frequency. Claim this 3-part offering to upgrade your body temple!

“Activate your Higher Heart to unlock your Infinite Self.”

— Melanie Wood

The Inner Temple

Enjoy these recorded classes as a way to deeply connect to your body temple and unlock your heart’s intuition.

“Your body is the divine temple your soul chose to live out this lifetime. Treat it accordingly.”

— Melanie Wood

Are you ready to grow your spiritual muscle?

Just as an athlete trains to strengthen their musculoskeletal system, the spiritual muscle also needs time, practice and patience to grow. It requires daily, grounded action to form a sacred connection between body and soul. Conscious BREATHWORK is one way to strengthen this connection.

The spiritual muscle resides in the heart where it aligns you to your Higher Self, your direct portal to Source. As you learn to talk to, listen and receive the messages of your heart, you begin to re-awaken an inner power beyond your wildest dreams.

In order to keep the physical heart pumping (and therefore strengthening your spiritual muscle) you must BREATHE. As you breathe, your heart beats and pumps blood that travels through your arteries and veins. Your veins carry this life-force energy (prana/chi/qi) to every cell, organ, system of the body, providing strength and nourishment.

The heart is not only the muscular organ sustaining your life, it is also the spiritual muscle that aligns you to your intuitive guidance…a pathway to the body-soul connection.

Are you ready to grow your spiritual muscle?