
“Mel has taught me so much. I was admittedly pretty skeptical about the benefits of meditation and mindfulness. Then after our first session together, I remember being in tears from unlocking a new level of self awareness. Her practice has been so healing for me especially in the face of the pandemic. I now meditate multiple times a day and apply the techniques I’ve learned from her. Her practice has truly changed my life.”

— Everett D.

“Melanie's alchemy sessions are hands down the best I have ever had... and considering I've been an Energy Healer myself for over 20 years, that is really saying something! With Melanie's help I re-experienced my own birth, releasing so much sadness and loneliness. We cleared blame and grief from my ancestor's genetic code and my past lives, dissolved many unwanted emotional attachments, and re-integrated the very essence of my Soul-Self. I love her Light Language vocalizations and the affirming messages woven through them from the Beings of Light - so powerful! The combination of guided breath-work, energy healing, channeled messages from Beings of Light, and the way the Light Language flowed through the session was deeply healing. Imagine feeling blissed out, peaceful, deeply connected to your ancient Soul, physically relaxed, and seeing life through new-born eyes... all the inspiration, wonder, and endless possibility easily within reach. Melanie's sessions are pure Light and Soul-affirming activations & I can hardly wait for my next visit!.”

— Jenny Jo Allen, Clairvoyant Healer

“Melanie is absolutely amazing at what she does. She has a gift and more people need to be made aware of it. She helped me find a solution to work on better self-care to complement what I’m already doing with my therapist for my depression and anxiety. Her solution for me was to utilize a combination of breathwork, tapping, journaling, and Reiki. The breathwork, tapping and journaling were all done via Zoom - which was amazing! I honestly thought I’d ever be open to trying Reiki, but found her detailed level of understanding what I’m dealing with, her empathetic nature, her energy, and her beautiful spirit drew me to welcoming it into my self-care regimen. I have gone through 2 Reiki sessions so far and will do more whenever she’s in my area. ”

— Joe B.

“Melanie is a truly special soul. She is highly gifted at listening to me without judgment, determining my needs and how she can help, and empowering me to advocate for myself and be the best version of me. I love my sessions with Melanie, as she is so gentle, compassionate and empathetic. She helped me so much with overcoming my severe anxiety and depression through our work together of reiki, meditation and breathing. She helped me to develop positive affirmations to say to myself daily, which greatly helped improve my self esteem. Melanie helped me find my voice and get in touch with my true self. I highly value the time that I have spent with her.”

— Allison B.

“In the summer of 2021 I had managed to let myself fall into a very dark place. I was put on flight to Southern California, headed to an inpatient mental health facility. Confused at my 10:00am session, I asked myself “what the heck is Reiki??” That’s when my life changed. Melanie explained to me what energy healing was. From the moment I started working with her I knew something was different. I never in a million years would have thought meditation was for me. The truth is I never knew I was able to be so relaxed. Of all the different types of treatments I have tried in the past 20 years, my experience and learning from Melanie have made more of a positive change in my life than any pharmaceuticals or “doctors” have ever made. She saved my life! It scares me to think of where I might have ended up had I not crossed her path. I will never be able to thank her enough!”

— RJ Brooks

“I had the good fortune to be introduced to Melanie about three years ago.  She has transformed my life in ways I didn’t know were possible!  I use the practices she taught me every day-breath work, visualizations, mantras and affirmations. Melanie is a true gift to all whose life she touches!”

— Anne Marie A.

“I have had multiple sessions with Melanie and I can confidently say she has improved my life in ways I couldn’t imagine. Our sessions allow me to fully be immersed and I never want it to end. It is truly an experience every time. She has taught me to love my inner self and most importantly, nurture my inner child. I struggle greatly with depression and anxiety and having check ins with Mel has been a game changer. She truly cares so much about her work and about her clients. She always makes sure to ask how I am really feeling and provides love and patience with every word she says. I have never been more connected to the universe, my higher self, and to my personal spirituality. ”

— Leigh C.

“Melanie’s ability to channel energy and help others tap into their inner selves is unrivaled. Virtual Reiki has been a game changer. I was skeptical about how Reiki would work virtually, but it does. You can feel as much shift, if not more, in your body because of the power of communication between you and Melanie. She provides a safe and inspirational space, and always has extremely valuable insights to share at the end of each session. Sometimes Melanie will feel called to channel messages in a language that was new to me, one centered on light codes. This is one of the coolest things I’ve ever experienced. If you’re looking for deep guidance of your higher self, abundant wisdom about chakras and emotions, or to clear old or stuck energy, you’ve found all of this and much more in Melanie. I recommend any and all of the modalities of her work.”

— Rebecca P.

“I have lived all over the world and have worked with many different types of body, mind, and spirit teachers. Melanie is the best. Her ability to be fully present while communicating and conducting therapy sessions sets her completely apart from all the rest. If you are looking for help with inner transformation, look no further because she has the energy and power that is required.”

— Dustin D.

“Melanie is amazing at all aspects of wellness. Through the years I have taken anything from yoga classes, to breath work, to distance reiki sessions and I always leave with a sense of inner peace.  Melanie is so intuitive to what you need out of a session and she is so passionate about what she does. I highly recommend her!”

— Randi L.