I am

Melanie Wood

My anchor in life is TRUTH

I teach my soulmate client’s how to activate their divine truth. A frequency that liberates the body, mind and soul when fully embodied.

About Me

I’ve worked in the mind-body-soul realm for over 10 years now. Starting as a personal trainer and yoga instructor, I assisted others with physical health & strength. I then moved into the healing arts of reiki practitioner, breathwork facilitator & intuitive channel, where I worked one on one and in group settings at both a Mental Health Facility and through my own business.

Since then I have completely shifted my craft to that of a Master Activator and Teacher of Body-Soul energetics. I work in the subtle energy fields (mental, emotional, physical and auric) to activate my client's Highest Self, initiating them into their highest timeline.

Ultimately, I am here to teach others how to unlock their Body-Soul intuition and Fearless Freedom through Sacred Living.

Sacred Living is living in your authenticity. It is creating your own Heaven on Earth. It is freeing yourself from fear and unapologetically being YOU.