Forgiveness & Breath Masterclass


During this 70-minute breathwork masterclass recording we discuss the importance of welcoming forgiveness into your life. First and foremost for YOURSELF, then for others. I guide you through a conscious connective breathwork practice and meditative visualization to connect you back into your body and back into your heart space. From here, the healing forgiveness process begins!

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During this 70-minute breathwork masterclass recording we discuss the importance of welcoming forgiveness into your life. First and foremost for YOURSELF, then for others. I guide you through a conscious connective breathwork practice and meditative visualization to connect you back into your body and back into your heart space. From here, the healing forgiveness process begins!

During this 70-minute breathwork masterclass recording we discuss the importance of welcoming forgiveness into your life. First and foremost for YOURSELF, then for others. I guide you through a conscious connective breathwork practice and meditative visualization to connect you back into your body and back into your heart space. From here, the healing forgiveness process begins!

Have you ever given yourself permission to receive forgiveness?

In my mind, forgiveness is one of the most beautiful, healing & powerful acts we can gift ourself. When we harbor guilt, shame, anger, resentment of another person or experience, we completely and utterly rob ourselves of the NOW MOMENT, the present. These emotions that we CHOOSE to hold onto because we are unwilling to do the challenging thing (forgive) often times can manifest in physical pain and mental or emotional dis-ease. Ultimately, we give our personal power away when don’t forgive ourselves and/or others.

In this masterclass we go over the importance of forgiveness for heart healing. I guide you through a conscious connective breathwork practice, meditation visualization and energy harmonizing practice. During the breathwork portion of the class, I channel reiki energy and light code activations to assist your heart healing & forgiveness process.

If you are ready to reclaim your power, forgive and surrender, I’d be honored to guide you through this transformational breathwork experience! 

***Please DOWNLOAD the class to your device upon receiving the link after purchase.

XOXO - Melanie