Shadow-Work Masterclass


Join me for a transformational breathwork practice to begin alchemizing your shadow…the ego. This 80-minute recorded masterclass includes conscious connective breathwork, a grounding meditation, an energetic clearing practice, channeled reiki healing energy and light body activations.

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Join me for a transformational breathwork practice to begin alchemizing your shadow…the ego. This 80-minute recorded masterclass includes conscious connective breathwork, a grounding meditation, an energetic clearing practice, channeled reiki healing energy and light body activations.

Join me for a transformational breathwork practice to begin alchemizing your shadow…the ego. This 80-minute recorded masterclass includes conscious connective breathwork, a grounding meditation, an energetic clearing practice, channeled reiki healing energy and light body activations.

Shadow-Work is diving into the deep waters of your soul, body and mind to transmute and alchemize “ego-based” programmings and stories that have kept you stuck in pain, fear, anger, grief, trauma, etc. This work is rarely comfortable and quite honestly will always bring up past parts of you that you most likely have kept hidden. I want to reiterate here that “Shadow Work” is going deep within yourself, your SOUL, to acknowledge the parts of you that have been wounded, bound by the ego, that keep you in a state of fear, lack, pain, anger, dis-ease, jealousy, victim mentality, etc.

During this masterclass, I explain shadow-work, what it is and how you can begin to become the alchemist of your shadow side. For the majority of the class I guide you through a conscious connective breathwork practice, as well as a grounding, energetic clearing meditation. Throughout the breathwork process, I channel healing reiki energy, along with light code activations to assist in  alchemizing shadow energies, while upgrading your light body frequency.

If you’re feeling called to begin to transmute and alchemize old versions of yourself that no longer serve you AND you are ready to meet your TRUTH, I invite you to join me in this truly transformational experience!

***Please DOWNLOAD the class to your device upon receiving the link after purchase.

XOXO - Melanie